How it works
This guide has been designed as an online interactive tool, allowing you to navigate easily through different types and phases of restructuring, looking at the role and responsibilities of different parties involved, with a special focus on the opportunties for action by the EWC or SE WC, local worker representation and employee board members. You decide how much information you want to collect, from a quick overview to more in-depth investigations or simply to get a first impression after which you can contact your local trade union and the European Trade Union Federations for further assistance.
When clicking on the 'Interactive guide' button, you will be asked to make three choices which will guide you straight to the information you are looking for. For each step you can select one or several options. Once you have made your selection for all three steps, simply click the 'Show path' button. We recommend to keep it simple with just one or two selections for each part. That way, you will get exactly what you are looking for in an easy-to-read overview.
The first choice concerns the type of restructuring that you want to investigate. Very often different changes occur at the same time, for instance a relocation of actitivies which involves collective redundancies or the closure of a site as a consequence of outsourcing. Select as many types as you need.
The second choice allows you to focus on the specific role of one of the key levels of worker representation: the European level, the local level or employee representation on the board of a company. Select the one you are most interested in or simply select all three to get the full overview.
Finally, the third choice will lead you to information that concerns a specific phase in the life cycle of a restucturing project, from early rumours over an intended decision to the final roll-out. Select the stage that you are in or one or more phases that you are particularly interested in.
What information does management need to provide, when and to whom? What obligations do they have to consult or negotiate with the different levels of worker representation?
What rights and responsibilities do the employee representatives have? What are their means of action and how can they get involved in the whole process of restucturing?
What is the responsibility of trade union representatives in the company? What is the role of the trade union coordinator of the EWC or SE WC? What support can trade unions at local and European level offer?
Is there any specific role for local or European authorities when a multinational company is contemplating major restructuring? Can worker representatives and trade unions request their involvement and support?
Not all documents and websites referred to in the Transnational Restructuring Navigator are publicly accessible. Legal texts are typically 'Public'. Research publications may be 'Restricted' and only accessible after having registered on the relevant website. Trade union recommendations and guidelines however are typically 'Confined' and can only be accessed by persons with the proper authorisations. The accessibility level is clearly marked for each resource, as shown below. Contact your local trade union or European Trade Union Federation if you would like to access a document or website which is not public.