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Transnational restructuring navigator guide:

Before restructuring

Be proactive and anticipate

What you should know about it:
  • Get in touch with your local or sector-level trade union as they have the experience and the knowledge to advise and support you.
  • In case of a transnational dimension, it is also important to consult your European trade union federation.
  • Know your rights: Central management of multinational companies must inform and consult workers’ representatives in European Works Councils, SE or SCE Works Councils and board-level workers’ representatives - where these are available - about any issue that has possible consequences in different countries.
  • These rights to be involved early and comprehensively comes on top of the local workplace involvement rights: In case of transnational matters it is crucial that you are informed and consulted before national worker' representative bodies. This will avoid that workers are played off against each other and will ensure a unique trade union response to management business strategy.
Your mission is to …
  • Share all information you can collect at local level with all the trade unions with members in the private or public sector company in the concerned countries, as well as with all EWC, SE or SCE Works Council members.
  • In order to do so:
    • Contact immediately the trade union coordinator appointed to assist your EWC / SE or SCE Works Council.
    • Involve the cross-border trade union network in your company or support the creation of such a network where this does not yet exist. Liaise with your European Trade Union Federation for advice.
    • Discuss rumours and your concerns with other trade union representatives, trade union officers and board level workers’ representatives in your country.
  • Use all possible sources to gather information, subscribe to newsfeeds and regularly research the name of your company in the public or private sector in your browser (for instance the news category on google).
  • Make sure the EWC and SE or SCE Works Council operates properly, with an active Select Committee and a constant flow of internal communication. Free online digital tools can be very helpful in this respect, including for translation purposes.
  • Ensure the EWC/SE Works Council receives assistance by a trade union coordinator/expert, as well as topical experts.
  • Make sure that local and transnational information and consultation procedures are coordinated in your EWC, SE or SCE Works Council, so that workers’ representatives are better equipped to handle restructuring.
  • Be proactive and claim your rights, do not wait for management to voluntarily come forward with the necessary information or ask for your opinion.
Further reading and resources
  • Before restructuring

Expert report for the joint European project of trade unions, EWC representatives and EWC trainers / experts. Downloadable in different languages

GPA, Unite, verdi, ETUI et al.
  • Before restructuring
  • Collective redundancies
  • (Cross-border) merger

Manual for European Workers' Representatives.

  • Before restructuring
  • Before restructuring

industriAll European Trade Union has published a guide on how to face transnational company restructuring. Part 1 of the guide is dedicated to anticipation and being pro-active: It can be downloaded from the industriAll European Trade Union’s Intranet.

industriAll Europe